I love cameras and photography. I have a Mamiya C330 Twin Lens Reflex 120 film camera, 53 years old and still mechanically perfect.
When I first started taking photographs of paintings, I used a Mamiya RZ67 Pro medium format camera and a Nikon medium format film scanner and managed to get 70 megapixel detailed digital images. But it took a lot to get there. Today I can capture a 102MP image with perfect color in one step.
The lighting still takes a bit to pull off. Textured paintings reflect light in ways that obscure detail. To resolve that I use polarized film over led video lights, matched with a circular polarizer on the camera lens, dialed in to eliminate reflections and let the color and the texture come through.
I’ll curate a deeper set of photographs at some point, but these are, for now, photographs that are labeled “To_Paint”. They are candidates for inspiration in painting.